- Face-Rotaing Polyhedra (面方向性多面体)
Chiral molecular polyhedra have attracted extensive attention owing to their elegant architectures and applications in asymmetric catalysis and chiral molecular recognition. Inspired by the concept of Face-Rotating Polyhedra (FRP) conceived by Buckminster Fuller, we have constructed a series of molecular FRP from 2D chiral building blocks (i.e., truxene, azotruxene and tetraphenylethylene), which transfer chirality from two to three dimensions. These FRP represent a special form of molecular chirality. We used graph theory to construct a new family of molecular polyhedral and reveal the emerged chirality from the complex arrangements of 2D motifs. We also investigate the formation kinetics, interconversion and chiral amplification of these polyhedra through a combination of chiral HPLC, CD, MS and NMR.
Complex Assembly System © Copyright 2020